
Harnessing Potentials & Amplifying Voices

Youth-Powered Africa

Young African
Voices Forum

Young African Voices

Youth-Powered Africa

YAV Forum is a Youth-Led, Country-Based, Inter-sectoral Dialogue on the Africa we aspire for. A structured and inclusive forum aimed at fostering discussions and solutions for Africa’s future, led by its Young People.

The forum distills the aspirations of the Africa we want through the inspired lenses & perspectives of Africa’s dynamic youth.

Core Tenets of - YAV Dialogues


The Young African Voices is a platform designed to bridge the gap between Africa’s growing young population and the continent’s blueprint for development – Agenda 2063. Young Africans aged 25 to 35 take a central role in driving the discussions and proposing research-based solutions to existing sectoral challenges across the region.


The discussions are tailored to specific issues, perspectives, and needs within individual countries, reflecting a country-based focus. However, they also uphold a continental perspective by aligning with broader Africa-wide goals. This approach ensures that while addressing local contexts, the outcomes are relevant to and support the continent's overall objectives.


The Forum brings together delegates from various sectors—such as education, sports, agribusiness, finance, technology, and government—to engage in dialogue. This approach integrates diverse perspectives and expertise, enabling a more comprehensive discussion of issues. By incorporating insights from multiple fields, the forum addresses complex challenges from multiple angles, fostering holistic solutions and promoting cross-sector collaboration.

YAV Functionaries

Internal Functionaries
Organizers and administrative staff responsible for coordinating the overall conference, including registration, scheduling, and logistics.
These are high-level professionals or public servants who are entrusted with overall oversight of Dialogue’s Proceedings. They play a crucial role in ensuring the sessions achieve their objectives effectively and efficiently.
Volunteers or professionals who play supporting roles in the entire planning and execution phase.
Members of the analysis unit include reporters, researchers, analysts, writers, and communication specialists who work together to create comprehensive and accurate reports of the dialogue’s proceedings and outcomes.

Launching YAV Forum

Inaugural Forum - Ghana

The Young African Voices Forum is scheduled to be launched in Accra, Ghana—the gateway to Africa. As the first Sub-Saharan African country to achieve independence, we are confident that Ghana will set a positive precedent for all future editions of the forum.

The Ghana Edition represents an exciting opportunity to harness the energy and creativity of Ghana’s youth in shaping the future of both the nation and the continent.

Our Essence

We believe in the tagline ‘leaving no African Youth behind’
Central to our mission are the aspirations outlined in Agenda 2063.
Localized Impact
Our development interventions are tailored to each country’s distinct context.
Advocacy & Education
Promoting awareness, empowerment, and systemic change across the continent.

YAV Functionaries

External Functionaries
Sector Veterans who guide and support sector delegates in their preparation and participation.
A sector delegate is a highly informed participant, aged 25 – 35, who represents a particular sector of the economy. S/he lends their voice and contributes their expertise, research, and firsthand experiences to enhance the YAV Dialogues, enriching discussions with future-forward insights and perspectives from their field.
Participants who attend sessions to observe but do not actively represent a delegation or take part in the ensuing dialogues.
Prominent individuals invited to speak on specific topics or issues relevant to the forum agenda.

Why YAV Matters

Youth-led Action for Inclusive Dev’t

The summit promotes active citizenship in both local and regional contexts. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that the unique perspectives, ideas, and aspirations of Africa’s Youth are heard, valued, and recognized in shaping and building the Africa we want, on both national & regional levels.

Pan-Africanism & African Renaissance

To build An Africa whose development is people-driven, relying particularly on the potential of Women and Youth, we must raise people who understand the development trajectory of the continent and the multi-faceted nature of its challenges & the applicable solutions required.

Promotion of the African Union

The forum seeks to evoke a sense of agency and Pan-Africanism among young people. Highlighting the unique aspects of the African Union, its structure, policies & member states, and promoting its shared vision.

Cross-Sector Collaborations

The inter-sectoral nature of YAV Dialogues emphasizes collective action in addressing complex challenges. Leveraging diverse expertise, optimizing resources, and driving innovation in a way that leads to more sustainable outcomes across various domains.

Building Future-Proof Skills

Participants develop essential skills such as diplomacy & leadership, research skills, communication, negotiation, debate, analysis, problem-solving, critical thinking, and more.

Driving Policy & Systems Change

The ultimate purpose of these dialogues is to enhance and reform existing policies, practices, or structures across all levels—from individual companies and industries to national, regional, and continental frameworks.

First Six Countries

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